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Pet Fantastic

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Send us pictures and videos of your pets with details and we will post them online, where you can share with the world how wonderful your loveable fur babies are!!!
Introducing Hazna's Pet Fantastic dog  oky
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Hey, guys meet OKY,


She is a golden retriever, she was born on the 28th of January 2021. She loves going on walks and loves my dad and mom so much.


She wants a lot of attention when she’s with our dad, especially the hugs, cuddles, and massages, and pretty much love to stay around Dad.


She likes to go on walks and have baths. She literally eats anything and is a very hyped doggy she gets very excited when she sees us.

This is my cat Rocket. It is a queen cat. She was born on the 29th of August 2020. She loves to stay in bed. She really loves our family members. When she wants attention she comes to us and cuddles near our legs. Her favorite food is fish. Now rocket is a mother of three baby kittens. She is a very responsible mother as well. Rocket is innocent and loyal too. Need to say that Rocket is very photogenic too. 

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Meet my pet goldfish Pumpkin, I rescued him from a street vendor who had him in a plastic bag in the hot sun 3 years ago. Since the day I got him, he's been eating non-stop! This brings us to the conclusion I gave him the perfect name as he looks like a round pumpkin fruit. He has also been a very good pet performer, and I won a pet competition coming in 1st place for Pumpkin's amazing tricks in the water. The link to the video is below. Please enjoy and add your comments :)

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My pet's name is Patricia. She loves sleeping on top of parked cars in the neighborhood and is a good rat catcher & has a good catwalk done like a diva.  She loves to pose for pictures & she goes to neighbors' houses and sleeps on their beds and I get "delightful" calls about her adventures.  Usually, she comes home for dinner, and occasionally I have to pick her up when she's being naughty.   




Blacky is 16 years old and I got him as a puppy from a pound where he was been attacked by bigger dogs. He has been a really good pet and treated like royalty by everyone in my family. Blacky was also featured on CNN to raise awareness about dogs in Srilankan pounds and to raise awareness about adpating abandoned pound or street dogs. Blacky loves to go for walks and his favorite food is chicken. Recently, he had an operation and he's recovering well. He has taken care of us by barking at everything that moves and is a good guard dog.